An accident that occurs with an employee (employees) in the performance of his (their) work (official) duties as a result of exposure to a harmful and/or hazardous production factor, resulting in an industrial injury, sudden deterioration in health or poisoning of the employee, leading to the establishment of a degree of loss of professional ability to work, occupational disease or death, under the circumstances provided for By law.
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You can report an insurance claim in the following ways:
1. You can report an insurance event no later than three working days in the following ways:
By calling on the phone 8 (7172) 916-333
By calling or writing to WhatsApp +7 (708) 909-9999
Send written notice by mail or email
2. Provide the company with the necessary documents.
- copy of the Agreement;
- accident report;
- a copy of the identity document of the injured worker;
- a copy of the certificate from the territorial division of the authorized body on the establishment of loss of professional ability to work;
- a copy of the certificate from the territorial division of the authorized body on the need for additional types of assistance and care;
- documents confirming the actual expenses incurred for treatment (invoice, cash receipt, etc.);
- a copy of the certificate from the territorial division of the authorized body on the amount of the assigned social payment in case of loss of general working capacity or on the refusal to assign it;
- a copy of a document confirming the presence of an occupational disease, issued by a healthcare organization providing specialized medical and expert assistance in the field of occupational pathology;
- a copy of the document confirming the amount of the injured employee’s salary for the period he worked, but not more than twelve months, certified by the employer;
- copy of the Agreement;
- accident report;
- a notarized copy of the employee's death certificate;
- a notarized copy of a document confirming the beneficiary's right to compensation for damage in the event of the death of an employee;
- a copy of the identity document of the beneficiary;
- a copy of a document confirming the amount of wages for the period worked by the deceased employee, but not more than twelve months, certified by the employer;
An accident that occurred to an employee while performing his work duties, resulting in the establishment of a degree of loss of professional working capacity from 5% to 29% inclusive.
1. You can report an insurance event no later than three working days in the following ways:
Позвонив по телефону 8 (7172) 916-333
Send written notice by mail or email
2. Provide the company with the necessary documents.
- copy of the Agreement;
- accident report;
- a copy of the identity document of the injured worker;
- a copy of the certificate from the territorial division of the authorized body on the establishment of loss of professional ability to work;
- a copy of the certificate from the territorial division of the authorized body on the need for additional types of assistance and care;
- documents confirming the actual expenses incurred for treatment (invoice, cash receipt, etc.);
- a copy of the certificate from the territorial division of the authorized body on the amount of the assigned social payment in case of loss of general working capacity or on the refusal to assign it;
- a copy of a document confirming the presence of an occupational disease, issued by a healthcare organization providing specialized medical and expert assistance in the field of occupational pathology;
- a copy of the document confirming the amount of the injured employee’s salary for the period he worked, but not more than twelve months, certified by the employer;
- - documents confirming the expenses incurred by the Policyholder for the purpose of preventing or reducing losses upon the occurrence of an insured event, if any.
Death of the Insured
1. You can report an insurance event within 30 calendar days in the following ways:
By calling on the phone 8 (7172) 916-333
Send written notice by mail or email
2. Provide the company with the necessary documents.
- insurance policy;
- a written statement about the occurrence of an insured event;
- the original or a notarized copy of the Insured's death certificate;
- the original or a notarized copy of the identity document of the Beneficiary (for individuals only);
- the original or a notarized copy of the medical certificate of death of the Insured;
- the original or a notarized copy of the conclusion of the pathological-anatomical (forensic) examination on the cause of death (if such an examination was carried out);
- notarized copies of the taxpayer registration number (hereinafter referred to as TIN), social individual code (hereinafter referred to as SIC) and personal account number of the Beneficiary (only for individuals), or an individual identification number for individuals (hereinafter referred to as IIN) and a business identification number for legal entities (hereinafter referred to as BIN);
- if the Policyholder does not appoint a specific person as the Beneficiary, documents of the heirs certifying the entry into inheritance rights and required to receive the insurance payment (certificate of inheritance rights, originals of the identity document, RNN, SIC and personal account number, or IIN, BIN).
Death of the Insured as a result of an accident
1. You can report an insurance event within 30 calendar days in the following ways:
By calling on the phone 8 (7172) 916-333
Send written notice by mail or email
2. Provide the company with the necessary documents.
- insurance policy;
- a written statement about the occurrence of an insured event;
- the original or a notarized copy of the Insured's death certificate;
- the original or a notarized copy of the Insured's death certificate;
- the original or a notarized copy of the medical certificate of death of the Insured;
- the original or a notarized copy of the conclusion of the pathological-anatomical (forensic) examination on the cause of death (if such an examination was carried out);
- notarized copies of the taxpayer registration number (hereinafter referred to as TIN), social individual code (hereinafter referred to as SIC) and personal account number of the Beneficiary (only for individuals), or an individual identification number for individuals (hereinafter referred to as IIN) and a business identification number for legal entities (hereinafter referred to as BIN);
- if the Policyholder does not appoint a specific person as the Beneficiary, documents of the heirs certifying the entry into inheritance rights and required to receive the insurance payment (certificate of inheritance rights, originals of the identity document, RNN, SIC and personal account number, or IIN, BIN).
- documents of the authorized government body examining the specified cases with conclusions on the causes of the accident;
- in the event of an accident occurring during the performance of the Insured's official duties - a report on an industrial accident from an authorized government agency or a notarized copy of such a report.
Disability of the Insured Person of Group 1 or 2 as a result of an accident
1. You can report an insurance event within 30 calendar days in the following ways:
By calling on the phone 8 (7172) 916-333
Направить письменное уведомление по почте или на электронный адрес
2. Provide the company with the necessary documents.
- insurance policy;
- conclusion of the authorized body on establishing the degree of disability of the Insured;
- documents of the authorized government body examining the specified cases with conclusions on the causes of the accident.
Death of the Insured as a result of an accident
1. You can report an insurance event within 30 calendar days in the following ways:
By calling on the phone 8 (7172) 916-333
Send written notice by mail or email
2. Provide the company with the necessary documents.
- original insurance policy;
- the original or a notarized copy of the Insured's death certificate;
- the original or a notarized copy of the identity document of the Beneficiary (for individuals only);
- the original or a notarized copy of the medical certificate of death of the Insured;
- the original or a notarized copy of the conclusion of the pathological-anatomical (forensic) examination on the cause of death (if such an examination was carried out);
- notarized copies of the taxpayer registration number (hereinafter referred to as TIN), social individual code (hereinafter referred to as SIC) and personal account number of the Beneficiary (only for individuals), or an individual identification number for individuals (hereinafter referred to as IIN) and a business identification number for legal entities (hereinafter referred to as BIN);
- if the Policyholder does not appoint a specific person as the Beneficiary, documents of the heirs certifying the entry into inheritance rights and required to receive the insurance payment (certificate of inheritance rights, originals of the identity document, RNN, SIC and personal account number, or IIN, BIN).
Disability of the Insured Person of Group 1 or 2 as a result of an accident
1. You can report an insurance event within 30 calendar days in the following ways:
By calling on the phone 8 (7172) 916-333
Send written notice by mail or email
2. Provide the company with the necessary documents.
- insurance policy;
- conclusion of the authorized body on establishing the degree of disability of the Insured;
- documents of the authorized government body examining the specified cases with conclusions on the causes of the accident.
Dear clients and visitors of our site, please express your opinion about our work. Thank you in advance for constructive criticism and rational suggestions.
- We value every gratitude and every complaint equally;
- Each of your questions will be answered;
- Each of your opinions will definitely be taken into account;
- Each of your evaluations of the branch, staff, products and service will be taken into account for analysis;
- Each of your original ideas will be carefully considered and possibly implemented by the Company.
The degree of loss of professional working capacity is the level of reduction of the employee's ability to perform work (official) duties, which is determined by medical and social examination. It is carried out by territorial divisions of the Committee for Labor, Social Protection and Migration of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The insurance amount is determined by the OSNS contract, but must not be less than the annual wage fund of all employees at the time of concluding the contract of compulsory insurance of employees against accidents. When determining the annual wage fund, the insurer shall accept the monthly income of each employee no more than ten times the minimum wage established by the law on the republican budget for the relevant financial year, multiplied by twelve. (the insurance amount is the amount of money for which the insurance object is insured and which represents the maximum amount of liability of the insurer in the event of an insured event)
The insurance company does not have the right to refuse the Policyholder to conclude a compulsory insurance contract, while the Policyholder has the right to choose any insurance company that has a license for the right to carry out insurance activities in the class of annuity insurance and this type of compulsory insurance.
The OSNS agreement must be concluded only with an insurer that has a license for the right to carry out insurance activities in the class of annuity insurance and this type of compulsory insurance.
The law obliges the employer to insure its employees annually. The policyholder (employer) is obliged to conclude a contract of compulsory insurance of the employee against accidents with the insurer during the first ten days of the month following the month in which the policyholder began to carry out activities.
Уклонение от заключения договора ОСНС влечет штраф на: - физических лиц в размере 10 МРП - должностных лиц, частных нотариусов, частных судебных исполнителей, субъектов малого предпринимательства или некоммерческие организации в размере 160 МРП - субъектов среднего предпринимательства в размере 400 МРП - субъектов крупного предпринимательства в размере 1000 МРП
The conclusion of a compulsory insurance contract ensures the property interests of an employee who has suffered harm to his health and life while performing his work duties. By means of a compulsory insurance contract, the employer transfers the obligations to compensate for harm to employees to the insurance organization by making insurance payments to the latter.
1) Possibility of receiving pension payments without waiting for the statutory retirement age 2) Lifetime annuity payments 3) Possibility of establishing a guaranteed period of payments for heirs 4) Annual indexation of annuity payments
Yes. For example, if savings in the ENPF exceed the cost of the annuity, the excess money can be left in the pension system. Another option is to buy a pension annuity and continue working. In both cases, the Client will receive a pension from both the insurance company and the ENPF. In addition, He will always have a solidarity pension if he has worked before 1998.
Having chosen a life insurance company, the Client enters into an agreement with it. The Client takes the agreement to the pension fund, which checks the terms of the agreement for compliance with the law. If the check is positive, the savings will be transferred to the life insurance company and payments may begin in a few days.
In the event of the Client's death, the Company is obliged to make a payment in the form of a funeral benefit to the family or the person who performed the burial in the amount established by the pension annuity agreement. This benefit may not be less than 15 times the MCI established for the relevant financial year.
The guaranteed period is the period during which the heirs of the clients will be able to receive payments. In the event of the death of the policyholder, the right to receive payments passes to the heirs of the client. Payments are made until the end of the guaranteed period (the maximum period is 30 years). Example: The policyholder has set a guaranteed period of 20 years. If the Annuitant dies 8 years before the end of the guaranteed period, the Beneficiary will receive annuity payments for the remaining 8 years.
Pension savings transferred to an annuity company are not inherited. However, when concluding an agreement, the Client may determine a guaranteed period during which the life insurance company is obliged to make annuity payments in the event of the death of the Annuitant to the Beneficiary appointed by the Insurer.
Payments under the pension annuity agreement are transferred to the bank account of the Annuitant or Beneficiary specified in the agreement. The client has the right to choose the frequency of annuity payments (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually). It is worth noting that the annuity agreement provides for annual indexation of annuity payments by 5%. This is a mandatory legal requirement.
The minimum monthly payment amount for 2022 is 25,213 tenge.
The amount of the monthly payment is calculated by the actuary of the life insurance company, taking into account the amount of pension savings, age, gender of the client, survival indicators, according to the methodology approved by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The monthly insurance payment cannot be lower than the minimum pension established by the law on the republican budget for the relevant financial year, on the date of conclusion of the Pension Annuity Agreement.
In case of insufficient pension savings formed by mandatory contributions and/or mandatory professional contributions, voluntary contributions can be used. That is, you can easily replenish your pension account to the required amount.
Minimum savings sufficient to conclude a pension annuity agreement in 2022: for men - 7,090,097 tenge; for women - 9,500,637 tenge. In addition, persons for whom the employer made mandatory professional pension contributions have the opportunity to conclude a deferred pension annuity from the age of 50. As a rule, these are people employed in jobs with harmful working conditions. Amount of sufficiency in 2022 (for persons with OPPV) for men - 8,010,195 tenge; for women - 9,915,491 tenge.
The sufficiency of pension savings is the minimum amount of pension savings sufficient to conclude a pension annuity agreement. The sufficiency amount is calculated based on the approved minimum basic pension and the annuity factor, including taking into account annual indexation. It is also important that the pension annuity provides for a lifetime payment of no less than the minimum pension, even if the savings amount has already been completely exhausted. The calculation method for determining the sufficiency amount is approved by Resolution No. 194 of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 20, 2015.
The following persons may enter into a life-long pension annuity agreement: 1) women who have reached 52.5 years of age and men who have reached 55 years of age and have sufficient pension savings. 2) persons who have reached retirement age: 63 years for men, 60.6 years for women (as of 2022) 3) persons who have reached 50 years of age, with at least 5 years of work experience in jobs with harmful (especially harmful) working conditions. 4) disabled persons of groups I and II, if the disability is established indefinitely
Insurance company Agent - a trusted legal or natural person who executes orders or performs certain actions on behalf and in the interests of another person (principal) at his expense and on his behalf, without being his employee. It is assumed that the person who gives the agent certain powers at the same time gives consent for him to make legal transactions that are permissible when using these powers. However, the agent's right to receive payments must be explicitly stated in the agency agreement;
Actuary - an individual who, in order to ensure the necessary level of solvency and financial stability of an insurance company, performs economic and mathematical calculations of the size of obligations, insurance premium rates under insurance and reinsurance contracts, and assesses the profitability and profitability of types of insurance carried out and planned to be carried out. Has a license from an authorized body;
Adjuster- an employee of an insurance (reinsurance) organization whose functions include reviewing an application for insurance payment and assessing damage from an insured event;
Underwriter - an employee of an insurance (reinsurance) organization whose functions include assessing insurance risks accepted for insurance and determining the terms of insurance (reinsurance) contracts;
Annuity insurance - a set of types of cumulative insurance providing for the implementation of periodic insurance payments in the form of a pension or annuity during the term established by the insurance contract or for life in cases when the insured reaches a certain age, disability (by age, disability, illness), death of the breadwinner, unemployment or other cases leading to a decrease or loss of personal income by the insured;
Bonus redemption amount - The redemption amount not guaranteed by the insurance contract, determined based on the amount of insurance dividends, in accordance with the Rules;
The beneficiary - A person who, in accordance with an insurance contract or legislative acts on compulsory insurance, is the recipient of an insurance benefit. The beneficiary can be either a legal entity or a citizen. The beneficiary can be appointed for both personal and property insurance. According to mandatory types, the Beneficiary is determined by legislative acts regulating this type of insurance, according to voluntary types, he is appointed by the policyholder;
The redemption amount - the amount of money that the policyholder is entitled to receive upon early termination of the cumulative insurance contract;
Insured - the person in respect of whom the insurance is carried out;
Accident- a sudden event that occurred against the will of a person as a result of external mechanical, electrical, chemical or thermal effects on the insured's body, resulting in harm to health, injury or death;
Reinsurance - transfer by the Reinsurer of all or part of the insurance risks to reinsurance and acceptance of these risks by the reinsurance organization, in accordance with the reinsurance agreement concluded between them;
Correction factors - coefficients applied by the insurer (underwriter) in order to increase or decrease the average insurance rates, according to the degree of risk when accepting insurance for a particular object or individual;
Prudential standards - Standards established by the authorized body and mandatory for compliance by insurance (reinsurance) organizations;
Mixed insurance - insurance that provides for the insurance payment upon the occurrence of an insured event, including after the expiration of the period established by the insurance contract or other event provided for in the insurance contract, depending on which of them occurs first;
Life insurance - a set of types of insurance that provide for insurance payments in cases of death of the insured or their survival before the end of the insurance period, or the age specified in the insurance contract;
Insurance payment - the amount of money paid by the Insurer to the Beneficiary within the limits of the insured amount upon the occurrence of an insured event or upon the expiration of the period specified in the insurance contract;
Insurance company (Insurer)- a legal entity engaged in the conclusion and execution of insurance contracts on the basis of the relevant license of the authorized body;
Insurance premium (insurance premiums) - the amount of money that the Policyholder is obliged to pay to the Insurer for the latter's acceptance of obligations to make an insurance payment to the Policyholder (Beneficiary) in the amount determined by the insurance contract;
Insurance amount - the amount of money for which the insured object is insured, equal to the maximum amount of liability of the Insurer upon the occurrence of an insured event;
Insurance Agent - an individual or legal entity included in the register of insurance agents and engaged in intermediary activities for concluding insurance contracts on behalf of and on behalf of one or more insurance organizations on the basis of an assignment agreement;
Insurance Broker - a legal entity representing the policyholder in relations related to the conclusion and execution of insurance contracts with the insurer on behalf of the policyholder, or performing intermediary activities on its behalf to provide services related to the conclusion of insurance or reinsurance contracts, as well as consulting activities on insurance and reinsurance issues;
Insurance Ombudsman - an individual who is independent in his activity and regulates the relationship between participants in the insurance market;
Insurance risk - the probability of an insured event;
Insurance case - an event provided for in the insurance contract, in which the insurance payment is made in accordance with the procedure provided for in the terms of the insurance contract;
Insurance reserves -obligations of an insurance (reinsurance) organization under insurance (reinsurance) contracts, estimated on the basis of actuarial calculations.
Full name of the head conducting the reception of citizens | The position of the person conducting the reception of citizens | Date and time of reception of citizens | Location | Contact phone number |
Mukazhanov K.A. | Chairman of the Management Board | The last Thursday of each month is from 15:00 to 16:00 |
30 Mangilik El Ave., Business center "Astana Partners" |
+7 (7172) 916-333 |
Makanova A.K. | Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board | Daily from Mon-fri 15:00 to 17:00 | ||
Zholdybekov K.T. | Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board | Daily from Mon-fri 15:00 to 17:00 | ||
Bekseitova A. T. | Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board | Daily from Mon-fri 15:00 to 17:00 | ||
Zhaksybaev R. O. | Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Management Board | Daily from Mon-fri 15:00 to 17:00 | ||
Kenenbayeva A.Sh. | Managing Director, Member of the Management BoardManaging Director, Member of the Management Board |
Daily from Mon-fri 15:00 to 17:00 |